Snorkeling at Dry Tortugas
The snorkeling begins in the right area immediately around Fort Jefferson.Local waters on all sides, except the boat and landing aircraft, have sites of coral or old jetty ruins of colorful fish abound. The Park Service has a few designated date concessioners offer boat trips for divers in the waters beyond.
There are reefs abound in the region with funds in 25 feet of water, and in some places the reefs are submerged by a few feet of water.With a regular sight within 65 feet or wider, it means a dramatic amount of sea life is visible from the surface of the water, and can be accessed on a dive skin. An example of the possibilities offered by these waters is the wreck of the Avanti, a sailing boat that sank in a storm in 1907. Accessible by boat, the wreck lay in a set that 18 to 21 feet of water.
This makes everything visible from the surface, even on the worst days, and easily accessible by scuba diving. In addition, as wrecks everywhere, the Avanti is a magnet for fish and other marine animals.
Labels: area, dry tortugas, travel, water